Club Cricket Charity Defibrillator Fund

We would like to encourage clubs to consider the nearest location of a defibrillator in relation to all of your home grounds and the time it would take to get that device to a patient should someone suffer a cardiac arrest. There is only a vital FIVE MINUTE period before permanent or irreversible damage can occur and a portable defibrillator can be the saviour of an otherwise catastrophic situation.

The Club Cricket Chairty provide an offer to clubs which is….

  1. A portable defibrillator unit (AED)
  2. Training
  3. Insurance cover against theft, breakage and vicarious liability
  4. Registration with local emergency services
  5. Post Traumatic Stress Counselling

Total Cost to a Club in Year 1 is is £351.20 for a portable unit and first year’s maintenance

Cambridgeshire Cricket Ltd are pleased to be able to offer a further reduction in costs to clubs that are primarily affiliated to us. Working in partnership with The Club Cricket Charity, Cambridgeshire Cricket will provide £200 of funding to the first 25 clubs that take up this offer. This means the initial outlay to clubs will only be £151.20

We would like to encourage clubs that are interested in this offer to email requesting a county application form. Make sure you mention that your club is affiliated to Cambridgeshire Cricket Board in the email

For more details on the Defibrillator Fund please click here

Keeping up with the Socials

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Grass Pitch Improvement Fund. Through @Sport_England backing and lottery funding, we will support 250 sports organisations to improve their cricket pitches and tackle inequalities in access to facilities ⬇️

Check out "Beyond the Boundary" the Cambridgeshire Cricket Newsletter July 2024 edition

Featuring all recent updates for:
👉Club Support
👉Women's & Girls' Cricket
👉Performance Cricket

The @ECB_cricket Cricket Playing Survey is now live!

If you are a player or a volunteer in cricket, have your say and have the chance to win signed Ashes memorabilia

Further details and link to the survey 👇

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