Cambridgeshire Cricket Limited (CCB)

We stand against discrimination in all its forms and are committed to ensuring that cricket is a game for everyone. If you have experienced or witnessed discrimination at any level of cricket in England and Wales, we want to hear from you. Any reports will be triaged by the ECB and investigated by the relevant cricket organisation.

Reporting discrimination will help us to ensure cricket is a welcoming, inclusive, and diverse game for everyone.

For details on how to submit a report and what happens when you make a report please visit the ECB website via the link below

ECB Reporting Discrimination site


Jamie Rice – County Safeguarding Officer
Safeguarding Number: 07537 830296

Email Contacts:
General Enquiries:
Finance Enquiries:
Safeguarding Enquiries:


Participation & Growth/Recreational Cricket Department

Russell Doel – Head of Cricket Operations
Mobile: 07785 722219

Matt Morley – Cricket Development Manager
Mobile: 07767 660022

Hannah Warren – Women`s & Girls` Participation Officer
Mobile: 07469 687185-

Jo Taylor-Ticehurst– Women’s & Girls’ League Administrator

Neil Liversedge – Cricket Development Officer (coaches, officials, volunteers)
Mobile: 07886 978329

Stuart Dockerill – Schools and Community Officer
Mobile: 07593 434967

Performance & Representative Cricket Department

James Williams – Head of Male Performance Pathway
Mobile: 07701 382821

Lee Smith – Head of Female Performance Pathway
Mobile: 07912 300795

Cornelia Ross – County Age Group Programme Administrator

Finance & Administration

Paul Tibble – Finance Manager


Michael O`Toole – Chairman
Robert Benson
Jane Reeson
Simon Seabrook
Helen Hyde
Andy Abbott
Claire Fisher
Chris Jones
Lizzy Conder
Sanjay Mistry
Russell Doel

Correspondence Address:
c/o Whitings LLP,
First Floor,
Phoenix House,
2 Phoenix Park,
Eaton Socon,
St Neots,
PE19 8EP

Company Registered in England & Wales – No. 07805284

Keeping Up With Socials

The #GetSetWeekend gives clubs a stage to prepare for the season and engage with their local community

A club in Cambridgeshire reveals how they used last year's weekend to build its community, bring people together, and upskill its members

Register now:

Clubs that sign up for the #GetSetWeekend will get access to online events during March.

Experts will provide insights designed to help your club across sustainability, the growth of women’s & girls' cricket and creating a successful weekend.


2 winners in the Cambs Cricket Collective Grassroots Awards 2024 were recognised as Highly Commended at the ECB National Awards.
Congratulations Oli Ellis of Horseheath and Theo Liversedge of March Town
Thanks to the volunteers across Cambs for making Cricket a Game for everyone.

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