Safe Hands Management System & DBS checks

What is Safe Hands Management System (SHMS)?

Safeguarding children across all cricket networks is an ECB priority. It is also a legal requirement under the Children Act 1989. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 places a specific requirement on sports organisations to ensure they have minimum safeguarding standards in place.

SHMS is the online Volunteer Management system for recreational cricket.  The ECB require all County Boards and Clubs to input the details of individuals in key regulated roles or those with responsibilities for the management and running of County and Club activities.

  • All clubs with junior sections and any club playing in a match where under 18’s are present in open age cricket must meet safeguarding standards. 
  • The club must adhere to the ECB Safe Hands Policy and Procedures.
  • Each club must have a trained and vetted Club Safeguarding Officer.
  • All adults who work/supervise children at the club must have a current ECB Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check in place.
  • All adults who work in or supervise children in cricket must have undertaken the appropriate ECB training. 

The system will enable the ECB as the national governing body to provide consistent credibility to those organisations which meet the required standards of safeguarding.  Clubs using SHMS will be able to demonstrate their commitment to the safety of young people helping to attract more members and players.

Registration on the system is a requirement for a club striving to achieve clubmark status and gives access to a secure system for managing club information, there is an added benefit for clubs to receive FREE insurance cover once signed up.

For more information on SHMS and DBS checks for your club please try the following links to the ECB website or email

What is SHMS

England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) – The Official Website of the ECB

Support for SHMS

Safe Hands (


England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) – The Official Website of the ECB

Keeping Up With Socials

The #GetSetWeekend gives clubs a stage to prepare for the season and engage with their local community

A club in Cambridgeshire reveals how they used last year's weekend to build its community, bring people together, and upskill its members

Register now:

Clubs that sign up for the #GetSetWeekend will get access to online events during March.

Experts will provide insights designed to help your club across sustainability, the growth of women’s & girls' cricket and creating a successful weekend.


2 winners in the Cambs Cricket Collective Grassroots Awards 2024 were recognised as Highly Commended at the ECB National Awards.
Congratulations Oli Ellis of Horseheath and Theo Liversedge of March Town
Thanks to the volunteers across Cambs for making Cricket a Game for everyone.

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