Umpires and Scorers

Umpiring and scoring are vital parts of today’s game, and Cambridgeshire Cricket works with partners including the ECB and Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Association of Cricket Officials (CHACO) to provide the best services to our game.

The ECB Association of Cricket Officials (ACO) represents scorers and umpires for and on behalf of the national governing body, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). ECB ACO is the membership organisation responsible for the recruitment, training and development of all cricket officials.

Click here for details of Officials Training Courses

Cambs and Hunts Association of Cricket Officials (CHACO)
Locally, we work closely with CHACO (Cambs and Hunts Association of Cricket Officials) to help provide a service for current and aspiring cricket officials. CHACO deliver a variety of official ECB officiating courses which vary from beginner courses through to more advanced courses.

To get involved you do not need any previous experience or qualifications – just a willingness to learn. Whatever level you aspire to, whatever pace you wish to learn at, we will help find a direction of travel that is right for you.

CHACO works closely with us at the County Board, as well as with Leagues and Competitions to provide a panel of umpires to officiate matches where neutral umpires are required.

Please click on either link below for further information on Officiating, the roles undertaken and how to get involved.

Cambs and Hunts Association of Cricket Officials

ECB Officials

Keeping Up With Socials

The #GetSetWeekend gives clubs a stage to prepare for the season and engage with their local community

A club in Cambridgeshire reveals how they used last year's weekend to build its community, bring people together, and upskill its members

Register now:

Clubs that sign up for the #GetSetWeekend will get access to online events during March.

Experts will provide insights designed to help your club across sustainability, the growth of women’s & girls' cricket and creating a successful weekend.


2 winners in the Cambs Cricket Collective Grassroots Awards 2024 were recognised as Highly Commended at the ECB National Awards.
Congratulations Oli Ellis of Horseheath and Theo Liversedge of March Town
Thanks to the volunteers across Cambs for making Cricket a Game for everyone.

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